At Yew Tree Primary School, we are continually trying to improve our methods of communication. To help with this, we use an app called Arbor. We use Arbor for our registers and as a school wide information system. The Arbor app brings a parent portal to your phone or device and will allow you to receive in app messages and reminders. It will also allow you to receive letters electronically meaning we can cut down on our paper use as a school. You will receive a message to say there is a letter ready to view.
You will also be able to view consents given for your child and amend contact details, medical information and so on. We also use Arbor to book Parents evenings, register your child for clubs/trips, monitor your child’s attendance and behaviour and many other things. This will reduce the amount of platforms you will have to use and make things easier for you as parents.
To use the Arbor App it is important that we have your most up to date email address, so it is imperative that we have this on file. If you think we may not have the correct email address please speak to a member of the office team.
To login into the parent portal for the first time and view your child’s dashboard, you will need to follow the link in the email that will be sent to you. If you have not received this please inform the school office and a new link will be sent to you. This email will confirm your username and will contain a link for you to click on, this will take you directly to our parent portal. The app is free to download and can be downloaded onto both android and apple devices. For you to get the best use of the Arbor App we suggest that you turn notifications on. It is important that we have your most used email address on file to enable us to do this. Any changes, school need to be notified.
If you would like help getting on to the portal, please ask a member of the office team for advice and support. A parent guide is attached below
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