Special Educational Need and Disabilities Provision

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo): Miss R Lane

(SEND Qualifications – National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and
Postgraduate Diploma in Inclusive Education and Special Educational Needs)

Yew Tree Primary School is committed to the inclusion of all pupils.  We recognise and understand that our children have individual learning needs and aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is appropriate to the needs of all of our pupils.  We aim to provide every opportunity for our children to attain their highest level of personal achievement and continuously strive to ensure that the necessary provision is made available for any pupil identified as having a special educational need and/or disability.  The staff and governors at Yew Tree Primary School will work hard to ensure that all pupils, who are identified as having special educational needs, are provided with a high quality education, are fully included within the school community and are able to make successful transitions between educational establishments.  The achievements, attitudes and overall wellbeing of all our pupils is at the heart of our school ethos.

Local authorities must publish a Local Offer, explaining the provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people [0-25] in their area, who have special educational needs and disabilities.  Tameside’s local offer can be found here, www.tameside.gov.uk/localoffer.

Our school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy outlines the educational provision we provide for our pupils, who are identified as having a special educational need. Click here to read our school SEND Policy.

Schools are required to also publish their Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report so that parents and carers can clearly see what the school has to offer. Click here to read our school SEND Information Report.

Should parents have any concerns about their child, please initially contact your child’s class teacher.  Parents can also contact Miss Lane, our school SENDCo, by telephoning the main office.  Miss Lane will be more than happy to contact you via telephone or arrange a meeting to discuss any of your concerns.  

Information regarding Tameside Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), can be found at the following website address, https://www.tameside.gov.uk/sendiass.